The impact of artificial light on mosquito community ecology
The Department of Zoology & Entomology, University of Pretoria, is inviting 1 excellent MSc candidate to apply for a 2 year research project measuring the impact of artificial light on aspects of mosquito ecology. This computer and field-based project is part of a larger initiative entitled “Reducing vector borne disease risk by optimizing artificial light expansion across Africa” .
In this ecological project, you will conduct field surveys to assess how site traits correlate with drivers of mosquito community patterns. In particular, we will use the Environmental Light Field technique to (see ref. 1) to assess the characteristics of the local scale light environment. We will also apply contemporary community ecology statistical techniques. Species identification will be done with the help of our partners at the WITS Institute for Sustainable Malaria, where you will learn the fundamentals of morphological techniques as well as PCR/Barcoding species for ID. The work will also complement existing monitoring frameworks, and contribute data to other initiatives, such as those monitoring climate change impacts.